whereas on 27 January 2022, human rights defender Ana Luisa Garduno was killed in Temxico, Morelos, while fighting for justice for the feminicide of her daughter whereas on 14 February 2022 water rights defender Francisco Vazquez was killed whereas according to interior ministry from Dec ember 2018, at least 68 human rights defenders were killed in Mexico.whereas 2022 marks the deadliest beginning of the year for journalists in Mexico with at least six journalists assassinated whereas the killing of Lourdes Maldonado Lopez, Margarito Martínez, José Luiz Gamboa, Heber Lopez Vasquez or Roberto Toledo are only few dramatic examples of attacks against journalists and media workers whereas journalists’, labour conditions are poor and many lack access to health and mental care services whereas since the election of President López Obrador three years ago, at least 47 journalists have been assassinated according to official sources.whereas according to Reporters Without Borders, in 2021 for the third consecutive year, Mexico was the most dangerous country for journalists in the world and ranked 143 out of 180 in the 2021 World Press Freedom Index.whereas violence, human rights violations and attacks against journalists and human rights defenders are dramatically rising in Mexico whereas journalists and human rights defenders, particularly those who investigate corruption from public officials or expose the work of criminal drug cartels, especially at local level, are often killed, warned, harassed, threatened, raped, attacked, enforcedly disappeared and surveyed by government authorities and criminal groups whereas several of them flee abroad as the only way to ensure their survival. having regard to the United Nations Charter Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, having regard to Rules 144 of its Rules of Procedure,

having regard to the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity, having regard the Local statement by the European Union, Norway and Switzerland on the murder of journalist Heber Lopez Vasquez on 15th February 2022, having regard to the EU Guidelines on human rights defenders and on freedom of expression online and offline, having regard to the EU-Mexico Global Agreement that is in force since 2000, having regard to its previous resolutions on Mexico, European Parliament resolution on the situation of journalists and human rights defenders in Mexico